Replication of Nevo (2000)

A Practitioner’s Guide to Estimation of Random-Coeffcients Logit Models of Demand

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from numba import jit, njit, prange
from numba import float64 as f64
from numba import int32 as i32

import pyblp
In [2]:
# index names
mid = 'market_ids'
pid = 'product_ids'

# product
prod = pd.read_csv(
prod = pd.concat([prod, pd.get_dummies(prod['product_ids'])], axis=1)
prod['con'] = 1
prod['delta0'] = np.log(prod['shares']) - np.log(1-prod.groupby('market_ids')['shares'].transform('sum'))
demand_inst = [mid, pid] + [col for col in prod.columns if 'demand' in col]
inst = pd.concat((prod[demand_inst], pd.get_dummies(prod["product_ids"])), axis=1)

# demographics
demog = pd.read_csv(

# column names
cn_s = [pid, 'shares']                                               # market share
cn_x1 = [pid, 'prices'] + prod['product_ids'].unique().tolist()      # product characteristics (linear)
cn_x2 = [pid, 'prices', 'con', 'sugar', 'mushy']                     # product characteristics (nonlinear)
cn_d = ['income', 'income_squared', 'age', 'child']                  # demographics
cn_i = list(inst.columns)[1:]
cn_delta = [pid, 'delta0'] 

# tensors
S = np.array([prod[prod[mid]==m][cn_s].sort_values(pid)[cn_s[1:]].values for m in prod[mid].unique()])
log_S = np.log(S)
X1 = np.array([prod[prod[mid]==m][cn_x1].sort_values(pid)[cn_x1[1:]].values for m in prod[mid].unique()])
X2 = np.array([prod[prod[mid]==m][cn_x2].sort_values(pid)[cn_x2[1:]].values for m in prod[mid].unique()])
D = np.array([demog[demog[mid]==m][cn_d].values for m in demog[mid].unique()])
Z = np.array([inst[inst[mid]==m][cn_i].sort_values(pid)[cn_i[1:]].values for m in inst[mid].unique()])
delta0 = np.array([prod[prod[mid]==m][cn_delta].sort_values(pid)[cn_delta[1:]].values for m in prod[mid].unique()])
Nu = np.random.standard_normal((X1.shape[0], D.shape[1], X2.shape[-1]))

S.shape, delta0.shape, X1.shape, X2.shape, Nu.shape, D.shape, Z.shape
((94, 24, 1),
 (94, 24, 1),
 (94, 24, 25),
 (94, 24, 4),
 (94, 20, 4),
 (94, 20, 4),
 (94, 24, 44))
In [13]:
def gen_theta2(Nx2, Nd):
    theta2 = np.zeros(int(Nx2*(Nx2+1)/2+Nd*Nx2))+1e-5
    diag_idx, j = [], 0
    for i in range(Nx2):
        j += i + 1
    bounds = [(0, None) if i in diag_idx else (None, None) for i in range(len(theta2))]
    return theta2, bounds

def get_L_Pi(theta2, Nx2, Nd):
    Nl = int(Nx2*(Nx2+1)/2)
    L = np.zeros((Nx2, Nx2))
    L[np.tril_indices(Nx2)] = theta2[:Nl]
    Pi = theta2[Nl:].reshape((Nx2, Nd))
    return L, Pi

@jit(f64[:, :](f64[:, :], f64[:, :], i32, i32), nopython=True)
def m_share(delta, mu, Nc, Np):
    u = delta + mu
    s = np.zeros(Np)
    for i in range(Nc):
        u_max = max(0, np.max(u[:, i]))
        u0 = np.exp(-u_max)
        u[:, i] = np.exp(u[:, i]-u_max)
        s = s + u[:, i] / (u0+u[:, i].sum())
    s = s/Nc
    for i in range(Np):
        if s[i] == 0:
            s[i] = 1e-99
    return np.log(s).reshape(-1, 1) 

@jit(f64[:, :](f64[:, :], f64[:, :], f64[:, :], i32, i32, f64), nopython=True)
def fp_iteration(log_S, delta0, mu, Nc, Np, epsilon):
    err = 1
    while err > epsilon:
        log_s0 = m_share(delta0, mu, Nc, Np)
        delta1 = delta0 + log_S - log_s0
        err = np.abs(delta1-delta0).max()
        delta0 = delta1
    return delta0

def solve_delta(log_S, delta0, mu, Nt, Nc, Np, epsilon):
    delta = np.zeros(delta0.shape)
    for i in prange(Nt):
        delta[i] = fp_iteration(log_S[i], delta0[i], mu[i], Nc, Np, epsilon)
    return delta

def gmm(X1, Z, delta):
    # 2SLS
    W0 = np.linalg.inv(Z.T @ Z)
    theta1_2sls = np.linalg.inv(X1.T @ Z @ W0 @ Z.T @ X1) @ X1.T @ Z @ W0 @ Z.T @ delta
    ksi_2sls = delta - X1 @ theta1_2sls
    # GMM
    W = np.linalg.inv((Z * ksi_2sls).T @ (Z * ksi_2sls))
    theta1_gmm = np.linalg.inv(X1.T @ Z @ W @ Z.T @ X1) @ X1.T @ Z @ W @ Z.T @ delta
    ksi_gmm = delta - X1 @ theta1_gmm
    obj_gmm = ksi_gmm.T @ Z @ W @ Z.T @ ksi_gmm
    return theta1_gmm, obj_gmm.item()

def search_theta2(theta2, X1, X2, Z, D, Nu, log_S, epsilon, report=1000):
    # "hot start"
    global delta, theta1
    L, Pi = get_L_Pi(theta2, X2.shape[2], D.shape[2])
    mu = X2 @ (D @ Pi.T + Nu @ L.T).transpose((0, 2, 1))
    delta = solve_delta(log_S, delta, mu, X1.shape[0], D.shape[1], X1.shape[1], epsilon)
    theta1, obj_gmm = gmm(np.vstack(X1), np.vstack(Z), np.vstack(delta))
    # report # of outer loops that has been excuted
    global O
    O += 1
    if O % report == 0:
        print(f'# out: {O}; Loss: {obj_gmm}')
    return obj_gmm
In [15]:
O = 0
theta2_init, bounds = gen_theta2(X2.shape[2], D.shape[2])
delta, theta1 = delta0.copy(), None
optimal_params = minimize(search_theta2, 
                          args=(X1, X2, Z, D, Nu, log_S, 1e-12, 2000), 
                          options={'maxiter': 1e20})
optimal_params.x, theta1
# out: 2000; Loss: 16.667363517030648
# out: 4000; Loss: 3.982152808596047
# out: 6000; Loss: 2.2324231126635974
# out: 8000; Loss: 1.2387675195614314
# out: 10000; Loss: 1.110235142416705
# out: 12000; Loss: 1.0429694284138336
# out: 14000; Loss: 1.0284510089893444
Wall time: 12min 15s
(array([-0.29468596,  0.05772854, -1.95814901, -0.61965288, -0.04931996,
         0.97469941, -1.14149942,  1.52694178, -2.45364054,  2.96997299,
         0.20138934,  2.75168323,  0.56653074, -0.14317104,  0.43895553,
        -0.14813651,  2.72519957, -0.44143617,  7.19915156, -0.39889464,
         0.07890986,  0.33894944,  0.23195022,  0.03259805, -2.9402816 ,
        [ -1.4768885 ],
        [  1.18154321],
        [  0.65465786],
        [ -0.54027741],
        [ -6.49560889],
        [  1.11597604],
        [  0.88920734],
        [ -6.72717031],
        [  1.40067152],
        [ -2.77963368],
        [ -1.07316882],
        [  1.55050327],
        [ -4.99363132],
        [ -4.18329181],
        [ -6.69337658],
        [ -2.534154  ],
        [  0.94581968],
        [  1.83225493],
        [ -4.89897808],
        [ -0.52506095],
        [ -4.65355712],
        [  0.67395864]]))
In [19]:
get_L_Pi(optimal_params.x, X2.shape[2], D.shape[2])
(array([[-0.29468596,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
        [ 0.05772854, -1.95814901,  0.        ,  0.        ],
        [-0.61965288, -0.04931996,  0.97469941,  0.        ],
        [-1.14149942,  1.52694178, -2.45364054,  2.96997299]]),
 array([[ 0.20138934,  2.75168323,  0.56653074, -0.14317104],
        [ 0.43895553, -0.14813651,  2.72519957, -0.44143617],
        [ 7.19915156, -0.39889464,  0.07890986,  0.33894944],
        [ 0.23195022,  0.03259805, -2.9402816 , -0.08942941]]))